Friday, September 25, 2009

Pinnacle and the Flu

We do not have any health department confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus, though we have had cases of influenza reported to us.  Schools throughout the Valley, including our school, are seeing increasing cases of the flu as we do every year about this time.  There are several things you can do to help prevent the spread:
*  Keep your students home when they exhibit flu like symptoms.
*  Remind them to practice good hand washing hygiene and to cover coughs and sneezes with their elbows.
*  Consider having your child vaccinated against seasonal flu nad the novel H1N1 flu.

We are working with our nurse, district health service, and the district level administration to make sure that our students are safe.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome to Pinnacle eNews

This is a new service that we are providing the parents of Pinnacle High School.  We will be using this blog to keep our community apprised of the most important events happening at school.  Thank you for visiting our blog and I encourage you to subscribe so that this information will come to you automatically.